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I first came into contact with Lance (then WA1JXN) back in the early 80s whilst I was in the Solomon Islands as H44PT. Lance provided a great deal of encouragement (and some pre-amp components) to get me on 144MHz EME. Unfortunately I was far to active on 50MHz to find the time to get onto 2mEME before leaving H44 - sorry Lance.

Fast forward 20 years or so to 2005 when, faced with a dead band, I decided to take a listen for Lance W7GJ on 50MHz JT65A EME. I was surprised to find that he was good copy on my single 7ele with masthead preamp. I was even more surprised to find that I could work him with my "No 2" pa - just 250w (about 150w at the antenna). That got me interested!

Before long Lance had convinced me that I should go on an EME DXpedition to GJ - details here
And then... EA8/G8BCG our holiday home on Lanzarote gets initial #1 with 100w to a 6M7JHV - full details here

Over the decades, Lance has done way more than anyone else to promote 50MHz EME and WSJT. He is the font of all knowledge on the subject and is always ready and willing to assist anyone with an interest. He is also uniquely skilled at generating enthusiasm in those who did not previously know that they were interested in EME:-)

Then there are the 6m EME DXpeditions: 3D2LR 5W0GJ E51SIX E6M TX5K KH8/W7GJ.

Lance is not a rich man, able to travel the world at will. Neither is he fanatical at ham radio to the exclusion of all else. He just seems to be able to put 110% into everything that he does and to have a way that encourages others to do the same.

Page last updated: 22/09/2014

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G8BCG / H44PT SMIRK Member # 4780
Make More Miles on VHF
G8BCG UKSMG Member # 1570

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