40MHz / 60MHz INFO:

FWIW I now have an Ofcom Innovation and Research
Licence for 40MHz and may take the opportunity to use this non-amateur
licence to exchange reports with stations heard on that band.
As this seems to be the way of things these days a further, more
detailed, I+R licence application has been submitted to OFCOM by me for
BEACONS at 40.050MHz and 60.050MHz to complement those at 28, 50, 70,
144, 432MHz and 10GHz at the Mid Cornwall Beacon and Repeater Group
GB3MCB site in Cornwall. [The traditional application route via RSGB has
Emails / letters of support for these new beacons to me / RSGB / MCBARG
would really be appreciated as would financial support for this Cycle 25
Project. peter@g8bcg.org.uk
I’ve just heard from OFCOM that my I&T Application for 24/7 RADIOBEACONS
on 40MHz and 60MHz has been approved with only 1 minor amendment:
• The frequencies assigned are 40.05 and 60.3 MHz.
This licence is for 1 year but hopefully is a “foot in the door” for a
more permanent arrangement.
As many of you will know, the 28MHz NoV has been issued and the 28MHz
antenna is already on the mast (thanks Nick).
All 3 beacons (28/40/60MHz) are built and tested. I have decided to
incorporate them into a single 4U case together with the controls, AC
supply and optional 12v DC input so that we have options later with
battery / solar. Just got to finish the final work on the case wiring /
front panel etc. I’ll also look at constructing the 40 / 60MHz crossed
dipoles as specified in the Licence.
On Sunday 25th September the Mid Cornwall
Beacon and Repeater Group brought into service 3 new CW/FT8
Beacons at 28.215MHz, 40.050MHz and 60.300MHz, each using the
callsign GB3MCB.
Located at IO70oj in mid-Cornwall on a 100ft tower at 1000ft
above sea level, these beacons, constructed by Peter G8BCG, are
ideally situated for trans-Atlantic Es/F2 and particularly for
Trans Equatorial Propagation. The new beacons are co-located
with existing beacons on 50MHz (as part of the Synchronous
Beacon Project), 70MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz, 1296MHz and 10GHz.
GB3MCB is now, de-facto, the UKs premier beacon
The new low VHF cluster at 28/40/50/60/70Mhz will enable
invaluable propagation monitoring and analysis as the MUF rises. |
The new GB3MCB Beacon unit
on 28.215MHz / 40.050MHz / 60.300MHz installed below the 50Mhz
Beacon. |
ACTIVITY from G8BCG July 27th 2022- My first QSO on 40MHz
October 18th 2024 Decided to have a play on 8m again. Worked Marc
-13 1.3 1429 ~ G8BCG VK8MS RR73
Then 115430 -12 0.1 1412 ~ G8BCG VK8VTX RR73
Also LX5JX in the evening
October 23rd 2024
A bunch of Italians plus OD5ET
October 24th 11:49z EA8DJR
October 25th 10:39 SV1DHU
October 28th 12:55z 9K2YM
November 1st 11:07 RK2Y
November 11th 15:26 CE3SX
November 13th 14:22z XE1KK
DXCCs to date: 25
Not bad for a dipole AND 5w erp.