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Having always been impressed by the performance of M2 antennas and particularly the 6M7JHV on 6m, I was very sceptical about the claims made by Justin G0KSC about his "new" LFA designs back in 2010.

Whilst on holiday in Cornwall Justin dropped of an 8LFA for me to try. I did side by side testing of the two antennas and became an instant convert to the LFA!! Read my review here

Since 2010 I have progressed through various G0KSC / Innovantennas designs...
On 50MHz 4 x 7LFA with full az/el ... Currently 4 x 8 Op-Des with full az/el
On 70MHz 4 x 8LFA
On 144MHz 1 x 12LFA - now 4 x 12LFA (H) + 2 x 12LFA (V)
On 432MHz 1 x 28LFA - soon to be 4 x 28LFA

My experience with LFA and Op-Des in that they WORK - they are easy to set up and they stay that way in all weather. Support from Justin has always matcvhed his antennas -  superb.

My first purchase from Antennas-Amplifiers (Dual Company) in early 2016 was a QRO outdoor changeover relay for my 50MHz array. I requested a quote by e-mail and Goran YU1CF came back very quickly with all the details and a good price including delivery. Payment was easy via PayPal and delivery was very fast. That relay is still in daily service on my QRO 50MHz EME system.

I have also purchased:


Always the same great service and speedy delivery from Goran YU1CF at Antennas-Amplifiers.

I believe the antennas are also excellent. For an example, take a look at the 12 Elements 144MHz Super Yagi Antenna PA144-12-7 on the VE7BQH comparison tables Press "VE7BQH 144 MHz Tables" ROW 182 and 183. Or search "PA144"

I recommend that you take a good look at the Antennas-Amplifiers website. Whatever your needs - get a quote from Goran!


Bert Modermann PE1RKI PAs

Bert builds superb SSPAs for 23cm and up. I bought a nice little 140W model

The DX Shop

Roger GW4WND Provides a great service - his business does what it says on the tin - with excellent service, good prices and speedy delivery. I have bought A 1296MHz 44el antenna, SPID spares (provided together with a great deal of assistance) and most recently a complete second SPID BIG RAS HR az/el system. The Linear Amp UK Gemini Series is building a big reputation.

  M + E Mechanics & Electronics Hungary. Gabi HA1YA. I have owned an ME2500-F GU84B 50MHz PA build by Gabi for many years.

M2Inc Antennas

I have owned many M2 50MHz antennas including the 6M5X, 5 6M7JHVs and the amazing 6M8GJ which I still have. Still up there with the best in antennas and supporting hardware including full az/el systems, pre-amps and SSPAs. Mike Stahl K6MYC the father of the company is a force to be recond with and a very keen EMEer. M2 kit tends to be prohibitively expensive in the UK these days:-(


SG Labs

I originally purchased a 2w 23cm transverter from Hristiyan LZ5HP at SG Labs in Sofia, Bulgaria. Great service, good price and speedy delivery - this little transverter is amazing - mast mounted at the antenna and driven with QRP 144MHz it really works well.

Now I also have the 2w 13cm transverter and 20w PA - again excellent products and service.


since 2/10/2014:
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